

I am completely addicted to your site and am convinced that it’s the best thing since sliced bread..and mint chocolate chip ice cream. I’ll admit I wasn’t to excited at the prospect of being put on a ‘waiting list’ as opposed to just being able to start pinning right away. But now that you’ve accepted me into your fold, I am a loyal follower. And Greg (although he doesn’t know it yet) will never get the laptop back now.



To check out my pinterest page (which is SO much better than, by the way), click here.

About cdhoose

I'm a mom to an amazing little girl and have another little one on the way. I live in Upstate New York with my fiance and daughter, 2 big, crazy dogs and a 3-legged cat (who has an attitude). I hate know-it-alls, Lindsay Lohan and socks with holes in them. I always seem to get myself into trouble (which entertains my fiance to no end), but I try hard to be a good parent. Also, I occasionally work on scrapbooking the fifty billion pictures I've taken of my kid. And I like ice cream. The end.

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