Catching Up: Zoey’s Birthday Party, Part Two


Like last year, we had Zoey’s birthday party this year at Greg’s dad and stepmom’s house on Little York Lake so people could swim if they were so inclined. You know, mermaid/under-the-sea party theme…it just sort of works better next to water. The only problem was that for about a week before the party, the weatherman had been predicting a 30 to 40 percent chance of rain in the afternoon—smack dab in the middle of Zoey’s party.

Needless to say, I was a nervous nelly about the weather for a good week or so. Sure, if it had rained, we could have had the party inside, but I knew Zoey was looking forward to swimming and I had told all of her cousins to bring their swimsuits And OMG IT BETTER NOT RAIN.

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Catching Up: Zoey’s Birthday Party, Part One


Remember how I said in my last post that I have a lot of catching up to do to make up for the time I was sick during the first part of my pregnancy? Well, hopefully, this will post with be the start of that. Let’s talk preparations for Zoey’s third birthday party.

She had told me a couple of months before her birthday that she wanted to have a mermaid-themed birthday party. And at first, I really wasn’t planning on going all crazy with the decorations and stuff. I thought that I’d just browse online to see what kind of mermaid decorations were out there and maybe take a little look-see at Nothing huge.

But somewhere along the way (I sort of blame it on, I kind of went a little crazy. I’ll admit it; I went loopy and decided that I was going to do all kinds of crafty craziness. Thankfully (sort of), I ran out of time for some of the ideas I had, but I was still able to make a rockin’ mermaid party.

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Worst Kept Secret EVER!


I’m still here. I haven’t been blogging for the past couple of months because I’ve been spending my time attempting to find some energy and trying not to throw up. It has not been fun to be me. But what it comes down to is that we’re expecting! Yep, Zoey is going to be a big sister at the beginning of next year–due date being January 4th, 2014.

Greg and I were planning on waiting to tell everyone until I was past the danger zone for miscarriage (12 weeks) because we’ve been down that road before and it was awful. But we ended up telling a few family members and couple people at work and all of a sudden, pretty much everyone knew and it wasn’t much of a secret anymore.

We officially announced the pregnancy on Facebook (because it’s not real unless it’s on Facebook, right?) on the evening of June 25th–Miss Zoey’s 3rd birthday. So now everyone knows.

So, here’s the facts: Baby Lang is growing like a weed. The doctor actually moved up my due date from the 10th because he/she is growing so fast. So far, everything looks great; the baby is healthy, my baby bump is growing and THANK GOD FOR NAUSEA MEDICINE. Also, I discovered chewable prenatal vitamins that taste like gummy bears, so I’m a happy camper (because God knows I can’t swallow those huge torpedo-size pills).

I know I have lots of blog catching up to do, so bear with me. Posts might be sporadic right now just because my energy level is constantly wavering. But we’re still here and don’t worry, you’ll hear all about our shenanigans.