Tag Archives: awkward Cindy

Zoey Moment #36


The other night, Zoey was having a hard time sleeping, so she ended up in our bed between Greg and I.

Typically, when I carry her into our room in the middle of the night, I always lay her down on one side of my pillow–so that I can lay down on the other side of the pillow. So we can SHARE it, right? But she ALWAYS moves over so that she’s in the middle of the pillow–and I’m always left with only a few inches of pillow and bed space.

Same thing happened the other night. I laid her down and while I was trying to wrestle the blanket out from underneath Scout (who insists on sleeping on our bed every night), Zoey moved over to the middle of the pillow. So, when I laid down, I gently moved her back to the side of the pillow.

Her response?

“Heh. You have big butt.”

At 3:30 in the morning, my daughter decided to inform me of this. Across the bed, I heard Greg snicker.

Superhero Marks


Last night, Greg gave me a hug and told me he loves me.

Just jokingly, I asked, “Even with the stretch marks on my belly (from being pregnant)?”

Zoey, who was across the room, looked up from what she was doing and said, “Superhero marks.”

I paused a second, not really believing what I was hearing. She’s two and a half; she has no concept of superheroes.

“Superhero marks?” I asked. “Mommy has superhero marks?”

She nodded and went back to what she was doing.

Our little girl never ceases to amaze me.

Our Easter Weekend, Part Three


Want to start at the beginning of our adventure? Read part one here and part two here.

Easter morning, Zoey woke up excited because she knew the Easter Bunny was supposed to have left her a basket full of goodies. Greg and I brought her downstairs and found her Easter basket sitting right in the middle of the kitchen table (maybe in future years the Easter Bunny will hide it, but he made it easy this year).

She was very excited about the stuffed animal, which just happens to look like the chick on her new favorite show, The Chica Show:

So, naturally, her new friend’s name is Chica.

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The Lupus Walk 2013 In Pictures, Part One


Yesterday was a CRAYHAYZAY day. Zoey and I pulled ourselves out of bed super-early and got ready to head off to Destiny USA (formerly known as Carousel mall before they made it into a behemoth of ridiculously expensive restaurants, upscale stores and, apparently, some sort of ropes course). For the fifth year in the row, I was ready to participate in the annual Lupus Walk at Carousel mall (whatever. It will always be Carousel mall to me) and Zoey was going along with me for the fourth year (if you include the year I was impregnito).

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St. Baldricks 2013, Part Two


If you missed the first part of our St. Baldricks adventure, check it out here.

Okay, let’s get right to it:

When we left off, the team was heading to Kitty Hoynes to take part in the St. Baldricks event there. This is the view of Kitty Hoynes (on the corner) from the parking garage across the road:

Looks like a quiet, Sunday afternoon at the bar, right? Take a look at what it was like INSIDE Kitty Hoynes:

Wall-to-wall people, holy moly. You couldn’t walk one step without running into someone. It was CRAZY. The boys signed in and then we slowly made our way towards the stage (see where the people are shaving hair towards the middle of the picture?) and hung out there until it was our turn.

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St. Baldricks 2013, Part One


First of all, let’s hear it for Team Carol Freeland, who raised $2,730 dollars for childhood cancer research!! Greg, Cory, Pete, Jason, Mike and Keith–your family and friends and this here dog-and-pony-show blog are incredibly proud of you boys.

Oh my gosh, St. Baldricks was SO much fun this year. Just the same as last year, we made it into a whole day thing and it was totally worth it. And don’t worry–as promised, I took lots of pictures.

So, let’s get right to it:

For a couple of days right before St. Baldricks, Greg and I were a little worried because we had arranged for Zoey to spend the day with her Aunt Kim and cousin Lisa at their house, but then Lisa got sick. So we weren’t sure if Zoey was going to be able to go there or if (because we had no other alternative) we’d have to take her with us to the event. Down the road, I’d love if she did go with us to support her Daddy, but right now she’s a sort of too little for all of that. Thankfully, though, Lisa was feeling better by Sunday, the day of St. Baldricks and we dropped Zoey off right before lunchtime.

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